Door Lever

Door Knob

Entry SetsĀ | Entrance Handle | Grip Sets

Door Hardware Depot

Is one of the leading door companies within the industry. We have many years of experience and produce happier customers than others with our extensive line of door hardware. Whether you need assistance with exterior or interior doors, you’ve got high standards and want the best results. Choosing our products is the ideal solution. We’ve got what it takes to be a reliable partner and can exceed your requirements and expectations. Shop our line of complete products today or email us for help and other information.

Our Entry Sets And Entrance Handles

Whether you’re focused on price, want an entry door, or prefer a single-cylinder deadbolt, we have all of your needs. Use the filters to find what you require and get details on the many products available, such as the price. We work with various brands, and many of the handles come with a mortise lock or can be fitted with a keyless entry. Check the model number on what you already use or order something new and exciting today.

Types of Door knobsĀ 

As we mentioned before, there are different types of doorknobs available for you. Each one of them aims to address a different issue, so you need to carefully pick the one that works best for you.Ā 

Interior KnobsĀ 

Interior knobs are the door levers and knobs you use indoors of a residential or commercial property. That includes bedrooms, bathrooms, basements, and even closets. There are also different interior door subtypes. They are:Ā 

Privacy KnobsĀ 

Privacy knobs are for rooms you donā€™t want people entering without you noticing. They have an internal lock system that doesnā€™t require a key.Ā 

However, these doors are only used indoors, so never use them for outdoor doors. They are not effective against home invaders or something of the matter, so you may need to invest in next-level security systems if you want to keep your property safe from those issues.Ā 

Dummy KnobsĀ 

Unlike what happens with privacy knobs, people use dummy knobs for doors they donā€™t want to stay closed at all times. People donā€™t need to turn dummy knobs to open them, so they often use them as a complement to doors rather than something useful.Ā 

Door Hardware Depot

There are other things you can take into account when getting a doorknob, and of them is how easy it is to install it. Door levers are not often difficult to install, but everything depends on the type of knob or lever you choose. 

Security is also something crucial regardless of whether you have indoor or outdoor knobs. You need your door levers to be safe enough for people to not pick their locks or anything of the sort while you are not there. That also ensures your privacy and the well-being of the people living with you. 

Although many people donā€™t know it, there are several door knob brands, and they all offer you different benefits from the other. Itā€™s essential to choose the one that best fits what you want for your property, so make sure to study all brands and see which one you like best.